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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)



The Jackson County School System (JCSS) strives to cultivate an empowering culture by providing students with research-based curriculum and interventions, rigorous and effective teaching, and early identification of academic and behavioral needs to ensure lifelong student success. To achieve these goals, JCSS utilizes a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) that integrates a unified preventative response and service delivery model that recognizes the joint influence of academic, social, and behavior functioning on educational performance. At its heart, MTSS is designed as a school improvement initiative to support better educational outcomes such as increasing graduation rates and ensuring that our students are college and career-ready.


MTSS supports Georgia’s three-tiered pyramid of intervention model and high-quality instruction and interventions matched to student needs. The MTSS problem-solving process is fluid and flexible, provides a continuum of services, and aligns multi-tiered supports and interventions. This process is structured to enable all students to learn and achieve high academic and behavioral standards while meeting individual student needs, consistent with the district’s commitment to educational excellence. 

GaDOE MTSS Pyramid
Diagram from the Georgia Department of Education Tiered System of Supports for Students



At TIER 1, all JCSS students participate in general education learning in a standards-based classroom structure. Teachers use differentiation such as flexible groups and multiple means of learning as well as positive behavior supports to foster an empowering and positive school climate. Students’ academic and behavioral progress is monitored through universal screenings and formative assessments.


At TIER 2, students participate in targeted group learning to address any skills, concepts, or content areas needing additional support beyond Tier 1 instruction. Students identified as requiring supplemental instruction or struggling with important skill deficits (e.g., reading comprehension) are provided with research-based interventions to increase the likelihood of mastery and success. Student-centered data (benchmark, progress monitoring, and group diagnostic) is used to identify and monitor students who require additional academic and behavioral support. Tier 3 is for students who have not adequately responded to rigorous and targeted group interventions and require a more formalized problem-solving process. Intensive and individualized research-based interventions will be used in coordination with frequent progress monitoring and analysis of a student’s response to intervention (RTI) data to inform instructional decision-making.


TIER 3 interventions are offered to students who have not made adequate progress in previous support services and/or need a specialized program or more intensive instructional delivery model. Tier 3 instruction is evidence-based intensive instruction that is continuously adjusted and individualized to address the needs of each student.

Meet Our Team

Sherry Beauchamp | MTSS Coordinator