Pre-Kindergarten Program
JCSS is excited to partner with you in your child’s journey of discovering the joy of learning in Pre-K. It is our goal to ensure that your child learns in a safe, challenging, exciting, and fun atmosphere.
Pre-K Enrollment for 2025-26 NOW OPEN!
Georgia’s Pre-K Program is a state lottery-funded educational program designed to prepare children for success in kindergarten and later school years.
Parents of the children who are selected for JCSS Pre-K commit to sending their children to school for the complete six-and-a-half-hour day, 180 days a year, on the same schedule that our elementary schools run. We know regular school attendance is a key component in a child’s academic success. Children who are late, leave early or are absent for 10 consecutive days without a medical or other reasonable excuse may be dis-enrolled, and the slot will be filled immediately with the next student on the waiting list.
The following documents are needed to register a student for the Pre-Kindergarten lottery:
- *Proof of Birth - Certified Copy of Birth Certificate (Your child must be four years old on or before September I, 2025).
- *Proof of Residency
- Child's Social Security Card/Bright from the Start Social Security Waiver Form
- Photo ID of person registering child
- Updated Immunization Records
To Apply For the Lottery Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Year, CLICK HERE!
Pre-K applications for the 2024-25 are still being accepted for a waitlist.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Meet Our Team
Linda Bell | Director of Federal Programs & Pre-K